March 1 - March 29
Every day this March, we will hide Pokémon trading cards inside the library!
Finders Keepers!
(Limited to 1 card per person each day)
4-H Babysitting Course
Wednesday, April 23 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (IN-PERSON)
Become a responsible babysitter!
Curriculum covers:
• Child safety
• First aid & emergencies
• Feeding & nutrition
• Stages of child development
• Creative ways to entertain
• Business of babysitting
• ...and more!
Class size is limited to 15. Pre-registration is required. Must be 11 years old to participate.
The course is taught by a 4-H Program Associate. $15 per participant for materials.
To register, please email missbecky@clamsnet.org or call (508) 790-6220.
For more information on this or any other Barnstable County 4-H program, contact Sandi Shepherd-Gay at 508-375-6696 or sandi.shepherdgay@capecod.gov
Barnstable County 4-H Youth Development Program, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, and UMASS Extension offers Equal Opportunity in programs and employment. www.capecod.gov/extension