Grab & Go Crafts

Find them in the Children's Room!

Grab & Go Crafts!

Keep an eye out for Take-and-Make crafts for kiddos in the Children's Room.

Available while supplies last!




Indoor Storytime

Mondays at 11:00 a.m.

Miss Becky will incorporate yoga and nature into this weekly indoor gathering of young minds.

Come for the stories, leave with a smile!  

Toddlers and preschoolers welcome.




Tales for Tails

Mondays between 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.

Interested kids (ages 6-12) can apply for the rewarding opportunity to volunteer as a Tales for Tails Reader. Readers will visit the MSPCA adoption center on Monday afternoons between 3:45 and 4:45. 

Registration required for a 15-minute reading slot.
Apply by emailing Miss Becky at

Tales for Tails is a collaborative program between the MSPCA and CPL designed to provide calm and comforting socialization for shelter animals while encouraging community youth to read and volunteer!

Born to Read

Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m.

Born to Read: Storytime for You and Your Baby

Early literacy begins at birth!  Babies form brain connections-- determining how they learn, think and grow-- from the very moment they are born.  Reading aloud to infants strengthens and develops their brain cells.  Join us for a gentle circle time of stories, snuggles, fun and connection.

Drop-in.  This weekly program takes place in the Children's Room.


Chess Club for Kids

Saturdays at 11:00 a.m.

Join educator Robyn Hennigan to learn the fundamentals of chess!

Kids ages 6-12 are invited to enjoy social connection while also developing math & problem solving skills.

Beginners welcome & encouraged.

DROP IN Saturday mornings at 11:00, FREE!



LEGO CLUB - Let's Build Together!

First Friday of the Month from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: Friday, March 7

Join other LEGO lovers and dive into our huge stash of LEGOs to build anything you want.

Each participant can take home what they make to keep!

Ages 5+, drop in, FREE!
No registration necessary.

We are currently accepting donations to this group of new & gently used LEGOs

Social Group for Neurodivergent Teens

Second Friday of the month from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: Friday, February 14

Our amazing volunteer Isadora Greenberg will be the group leader. She is a passionate advocate and role model for Cape Advocates Standing Together and has presented at several conferences.

Isadora understands the social challenges a young person with autism and ADHD faces, so this inclusive group is a safe space to be and celebrate YOU!

Activities will be determined by the interests of the participants. We will share a variety of sensory items, but feel free to bring your own and/or noise-cancelling headphones.

Group for ages 12-18.  Registration required (limit 10), siblings welcome, caregivers may be asked to supervise.

To register, email or call (508) 790-6220 x105.

Sensory Friendly Storytime

Third Friday of the Month at 3:00 p.m.

Let's build literacy using all five senses! This inclusive program is designed to engage neurodivergent children and sensory-seeking learners through an adaptive format with a friendly space to explore.

Ages 2-6. No registration required, drop in! FREE!